La Sicilia sempre più internazionale nel mondo del corno - Sicily increasingly international in the world of horn
La Sicilia sempre più internazionale nel mondo del corno
Sicily increasingly international in the world of horn
(Hans Clebsh and Teatro Bellini Horn Section)
Il secondo grande evento si è svolto a Caltanissetta (7 e 8 maggio 2018), promosso dall'Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali V.Bellini di Caltanissetta e il docente m°Rino Baglio.
Il grande protagonista è stato il mito e la leggenda del corno mondiale: Dale Clevenger, 1° corno storico della Chicago Simphony.
2 giorni intensi con allievi provenienti da varie parti della Sicilia in cui gli argomenti sono stati tantissimi, dalla respirazione, al metodo di studio, al concertismo, all'abnegazione per questo strumento e tanto altro.
Il maestro Clevenger ha trasmesso a tutti i ragazzi il suo ampio bagaglio culturale di 50 anni di carriera con i più grandi artisti del mondo. Si potrebbe stare ore ed ore ad ascoltarlo, ammaliati dal suo sapere; una vera enciclopedia del corno! Qualche foto della masterclass:
IN ENGLISH: The second big event took place in Caltanissetta (7 and 8 May 2018), promoted by the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali V.Bellini di Caltanissetta and the teacher m ° Rino Baglio.
The great protagonist was the myth and legend of the world horn: Dale Clevenger, 1st historical horn of the Chicago Simphony.
Two intense days with students from various parts of Sicily where the topics were many, from breathing, to the method of study, concertism, self-denial for this instrument and much more.
Master Clevenger has transmitted to all young people his extensive cultural background of 50 years of career with the greatest artists in the world. You could spend hours and hours listening to him, bewitched by his knowledge; a true encyclopedia of the horn! Some pictures of the masterclass:
The great protagonist was the myth and legend of the world horn: Dale Clevenger, 1st historical horn of the Chicago Simphony.
Two intense days with students from various parts of Sicily where the topics were many, from breathing, to the method of study, concertism, self-denial for this instrument and much more.
Master Clevenger has transmitted to all young people his extensive cultural background of 50 years of career with the greatest artists in the world. You could spend hours and hours listening to him, bewitched by his knowledge; a true encyclopedia of the horn! Some pictures of the masterclass:
Gli eventi non si fermeranno solo qui ma questa estate ce ne saranno tanti altri con festivals per gli ottoni in tutte le parti della Sicilia!
W la musica e W il corno!
The events will not stop only here but this summer there will be many others with festivals for the brass in all parts of Sicily!
W the music and W the horn!
Angelo Bonaccorso
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